Online Teaching: Gaining Confidence and Poise
Feeling a bit overwhelmed, and intimidated, at the idea of online meetings and classrooms? You aren’t alone. Many have suddenly found themselves working on online platforms and it isn’t always an easy transition! There are specific, and unique, challenges presented with online meetings. These challenges can be easily met with some simple guidance. This class will help you: genuinely connect to your audience, get basic techniques for success in leading a meeting or class, create an experience that is productive for you and the listener, feel more at ease talking to people on screen, keep your voice active, clear, and commanding attention.
We meet Wednesday evenings from 6pm – 7pm – April 15th, 22nd, 29th, and May 6th, 2020
$20/single class
Zoom link given at time of registration.
This is a group class. Private coaching available for a specific project, simply click here.
**No refunds, all sales final.